Did you know?
Attending 1 art event a month can increase your life expectancy by approximately 10 years?
TEN YEARS! This is officially the best advertisement for my online painting classes!
This real life statistic from the research study “The art of life and death: 14 year follow-up analyses of associations between arts engagement and mortality in the English Longitudinal Study of Aging” published in 2019.
Set yourself up for a longer life by enrolling in my pricing plan: https://www.selcouthartistry.com/plans-pricing
Unlimited Access to Painting Classes
Enroll in my yearly subscription to gain free access to all online painting classes!
Enroll by December 2023 for the best price: $100 for one year access to my public, once a month, online painting classes.
My classes cost $15.00 each. If you join me every month, this is costing you a total of $180 each year.
Save $80 by enrolling in a yearly subscription today! https://www.selcouthartistry.com/plans-pricing
Once Per Month Painting Classes
In 2023, my online public painting classes that are held once per month are all "Brave and Intuitive Painting" classes.
Together we paint an abstract painting. I will provide guiding prompts, encourage you to trust your intuition and use brave brush strokes.
Join me to practice letting go of your limiting beliefs! Embrace your creative side!
And best of all... You can do it all from home in your PJ's :)